It's tempting to go right into your favorite songs and melodies when you first start learning to play the guitar. However, it's essential to start with the basics, which are mastering basic guitar chords.
Knowing which chords to learn first on guitar can make a big difference in your development. Consider taking guitar lessons in Brighton. Use this handy guide to get started and learn all you need to know as a beginning guitarist.
Why are chords important to learn first?

Harmony in music is built on chords. They provide context for the song's other musical components. For example, if you could just hear the melody, it may seem barren, but the melody begins to make sense after adding chords.
Guitar lessons can help you understand chords easier!
Chord-based learning also teaches you about major and minor "tonality," rhythm, and even how to compose a decent song. A, D, E, and G are some simple chords to begin with.
These chords demand the least amount of finger strength and are very simple to play with a bit of practice.
They're also chords often utilized together in a wide range of popular music, with only a little shift in finger placement.
Preliminary Steps on How to Play Guitar Chords Properly

1. Gently wrap your thumb around the neck of the guitar.
Adjusting your thumb position is the first thing to attempt if your chord changes are sluggish and sloppy. When playing open chords, placing your thumb low down at the back of your neck is out of current advice.
It makes it difficult to grasp and quickly switch between chords.
2. Maintain your thumb by fret 2.
Your thumb serves as an anchor, assisting you in controlling chord changes and maintaining your fingers in the proper place. At first, your thumb will resist and try to go to the left or sink.
Please be patient. It takes time to develop good muscle memory.
3. Using the tips (pad) of your fingers, press the string.
You may apply the most pressure by pressing down with your fingertip on the string, enabling chord notes to play out loudly.
4. Form a curve with your fingertips.
This will assist you in avoiding contacting the strings below, which will prevent them from ringing.
Muted and buzzing strings are produced not just by pushing down too lightly but also by the angle of your fingers being too flat.
5. Apply the proper amount of pressure on your finger.
Many beginning guitarists push down too lightly on the guitar strings, while a few press down too firmly. Apply this basic rule: if your notes ring out clearly, you're using the proper amount of pressure.
If they aren't, try pushing more forcefully. You'll discover the sweet spot with practice.
6. Avoid putting your fingertips on the metal frets.
Contrary to popular belief, the notes will mute terribly if you put your fingers too near the fret. If your fingers are too far back, you will need to apply much more pressure.
Work on locating the sweet spot, which is located halfway between the center of the fret box and the metal fret.
How Long Will It Take to Learn Guitar Chords?
The length of time it takes to learn guitar is determined by what you want to play. Simple strumming tunes may be learned in a few months, while complex solos and riffs might take years.
If you're concerned about how long it will take to learn to play the guitar, enroll in the music classes right now. Guitar classes include samples of various situations.
So you can get a reasonable assessment of how long it will take you to play the guitar in the fastest and enjoyable way possible.